Thursday, January 29, 2015

Here Goes Nothing

I have debated the idea of blogging for a long, long time.  I have a love hate relationship with blogs and social media in general.  I think there is a time and a place for them and I have see the timing and placing of blogs be incredibly detrimental as well as honestly good.
My excuses are based on the following: PROs- I love to write and often make the excuse that if I could just keep an electronic journal I would write one million times more than I currently do. I live 630 miles away from people that I assume might care a bit about what is going on in my ever changing life. This could be a good documentation of events coming up...and there are some big events (I might have to do some backdating as well). Sometimes it is easiest to just write it out and tell the whole world of viewers then to tell the story individually over and over.  Now for the CONs- I'm not that exciting or articulate. I still have a chip on my shoulder for people using social media to falsify their lives or live in a made up world that they can create and others believe, and I feel like it is for a fairly good reason. I am still not quite sure I want my life stories out there for anyone to see...I'll just have to mature and learn to be selective I suppose. I am nervous that because of my chip I am going to over exaggerate the ails of life to make sure that people know I don't fart rainbows and butterflies all the time. And the whole process intimidates me.
But here going nothing.  I suppose if it feels right and good and my friends and family appreciate it I will keep going and if it doesn't then I will delete and make it like it never happened.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I'm excited Jenn, a blog is such a great way for people to keep tabs when you live out of state. Honestly, I treasure my posts from when we lived in DC, and the first six years of my marriage. It's my journal, like you said. :) And don't sweat the stigma of blogs: fake people have fake blogs. You are genuine and it will come across in your posts.
